
A young man finds himself in a brutal battle for his life when hostile sentient beings are hell-bent on following him back to his world...

Movie Details

Sam is doing his best to fit into a world that he doesn’t quite understand. He’s suffering from the identity issues anyone in their early twenties is; “Who am I? And where do I belong?”… He’s aided by his estranged father, Waylon, with whom he is slowly forming a close bond with as they navigate dealing with the loss of a loved one. They both seek comfort in the camaraderie of a bereavement group that shares in many of the same issues they face. Sam is still unable to find his footing around his peers and they’re not sure what to make of him and his unstable ways. They do their best to make him feel welcome among their core group. He sees their plight but knows that his issues are far different and more complex… Before he’s able to make sense of his predicament Sam is forced into a shocking and violent situation that upends his life! He’s attacked by a near carbon copy version of himself… THE REAL SAM! A person he’d been lead to believe had long since left! Because of this horrendous act of violence, Sam’s hidden in-human abilities push to the surface turning him into a grotesque killing machine. Sam is not human… he is not of this world… he’s from a similar world that has been hidden from human eyes for centuries. With his true form now out in the open, he soon realizes his so called “friends” and even his own father were only using Sam so they could gain access to his world. A world that in their eyes sounds like a mirror of their own with their long departed loved ones still living… While this may be true in theory, Sam’s world is a dark, hostile and violent one filled with a species like him that was seemingly made for war. And now Sam is forced to turn into the monster he was hiding from to fight against the people he thought were his friends and family… as well as having to face an alternate version of himself that has no interest sharing this world with him!
A young man finds himself in a brutal battle for his life when hostile sentient beings are hell-bent on following him back to his world...
Science Fiction
Reese Eveneshen
Reese Eveneshen
Avi Federgreen, Joshua Demers, Emily Foster
Director of Photography
Original Music Composer