Feature Film – Calgary - (January 2017 – August 2018)
Movie Details
- Overview
- A doctor runs in a grueling 24-hour, 100-mile ultramarathon over rugged mountain terrain as he avoids the aftermath of a recent incident in his medical practice. Over the course of the marathon, as physical and mental exertion turns to exhaustion and hallucinations, race-related dramas intertwine with the details of his current crisis. He's tormented by his decision to assist in the death of a terminally-ill teenager under his care, against both the parents' wishes and the legal parameters of assisted suicide.
- Tagline
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- Runtime
- 1 h 30 min
- Country
- Canada
- Genres
- Drama
- Director
- Gary Burns
- Writer
- Donna Brunsdale, Gary Burns
- Actors
- Gord Rand, Ivana Shein, Milli Wilkinson, Tom Carey, Sasha Barry, Linda Kee, Caitlin Davidson, Scott Olyned, Rob Hay, Crystal Chaitan, Brandon Paez, Ryan Northcott, Mykayla Macdonald, Ife Abiola
- Production
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- Producer
- Gary Burns, Donna Brunsdale, Avi Federgreen
- Director of Photography
- Patrick Mclaughlin
- Original Music Composer
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